Thursday, December 25, 2008

A lot of snow for the NW

This may not seem like a lot of snow coming from a child who grew up with 3-4 feet of snow every winter. But for the Pacific Northwesterners, it's a dream come true! The first photo is the first dumping of snow then five days later, you see the amount accumulated which is in photo two. I have not driven since Friday the 19th. It sucks to depend on everyone else for a ride but I don't have to use gas! I have to look on the bright side when this happens. As I indicated in the previous post, the ice is the killer in these storms in the PNW not necessarily the snow. I can drive on snow (even though I'd rather not) but there is no way to drive my little Honda on ice without studs or chains, and I have neither. The second photo is the snow on top of my car, then a lovely layer of ice. I dug out the soft snow underneath the ice so it's sort of a igloo on top of my car. I had to have some fun in this weather! This is the perfect weather for igloo making! Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! Pray I can drive on a dry ice-free surface soon! :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Boys are silly!

So I was not about to drive in to work today due to the 3 inch layer of ice, 4 inches of snow, 3 more inches of ice guessed it, 4 more inches of snow. I decided to take the bus for the third time since living here. I checked the website for the time around 8 in the morning, got in my warm and snuggly clothes since it was snowing like crazy already this early! I hoofed it to the bus stop just down from my house, across from the old, empty Fred Meyer parking lot. I did not see a bus for almost an hour and I didn't bring a book. Arg!!@myself. Just sitting in this little covered bus stop (thank goodness for the coverage!) feet getting colder and colder, I noticed a truck moving towards the empty parking lot. I turned around to watch if a drug deal was going to happen, but to my chagrin, it did not. Here was this guy in his big black truck surrounded by many inches of white, untouched snow. A little boy's winter paradise and I am sure this man thought the same thing. All of the sudden he starts tearing it up. Snow flying everywhere, his tires just a squealing from all the donuts he is doing. This goes on for a very short amount of time, perhaps 5 minutes, but he is having a good 'ol time! Then he drives out of the parking lot and off he drives down the street. Guess he got his fun in the snow for the day. Boys are silly.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Me and My Sister's vacation

Last month my sister and I went to Rockaway beach and stayed at my friend's beach house. What a great little town this was, lots of little shops and things to see. My friend graciously loaned her beach house which sits right on the ocean as you can see. We stayed just for a night but it was really relaxing. We didn't do much of anything besides sit around and listen to jazz music. Nothing I wouldn't do normally. But it was still so much fun being with my sister before she went back home.