Wednesday, March 25, 2009

China or Bust

The final payment on my service mission has been paid! I am officially going to China!! Yes, it was supposed to happen last year. But it didn't. But it IS happening this August. I am super excited. It was definitely a long time coming and I appreciate everyone hanging in there with me while I went through my go-postpone-go-phase. I will blog everything I do, because you are all dying to follow my life, minute by minute. Hehe. Gosh it feels like forever since I started this process. I was still living in Cedar City when I started thinking about going on this service mission and now I'm in Washington going to finish it. I guess the best plans have to be fully developed before they can work correctly. That is how I feel with this adventure. I had to be in the right place and the right state of mind. I am such a planner. My sister would have been to China and back by the time I decided to plan it. She is definitely the spontaneous child in the family. My friend Sarah was my inspiration for deciding to go to China and I am so grateful for her friendship even if we don't get to chat very often! Her next adventure is Switzerland. Wow! Good luck to her!

That is it for now. Until I find some other mundane thing to talk about!


Anonymous said...


I was wondering about your China plans yesterday, because I know someone else who is going this Fall. She is in my art class. I will try to find out details from her and you - maybe you'll be going to the same town/school! Her name is Lauren. I'll let you know when I know more.

I'm so excited for you!

desertgirl said...

I'm happy for you also! I think it will be an amazing experience for you. I would be too scared to go to China though! And oh ya, Vegas was very relaxing. I loved our sister bonding time. It was so fun!

a.k.a. Brady said...

Yay! Vagas! Wait... I wasn't there.

But China sounds fun, I hope you have a lot of great experiences!