Friday, January 11, 2008

A New Awakening!

Every year around the middle of August my turtle, Ash, starts to hide under the dirt a little bit more each day. Soon he quits eating every few days until he quits eating altogether. Then he quits walking around his cage totally and burrows himself in the cold dirt and never comes out. This happens every single year, and yet I freak out every single year that he is dying or I'm not being a good mom or some weird thought like that. You would think I'd quit it after 15 years but knowing me, I'll continue to freak out. What Ash does is hibernate, as you probably already guessed. So for about 4 1/2 months I never turn on the light, my vegetable bill goes WAY down and I don't step foot into pet store for worms. It's a lovely, almost 5 months but I miss my Ash looking up at me with dirt in his eyes blinking waiting for a worm to crawl by.

Today was the day Ash woke from his slumber and how did I know this? He announced it by crawling up the side of his cage and scratching at the wood until I let him out. (Side note: I moved into my new apartment while he was hibernating so he hasn't seen the new digs) I couldn't let him out because I was going to school and didn't want him roaming the house while I was gone so I hoped the cage was tall enough that he wouldn't get out and break his shell and I also hoped he wouldn't fall backwards into his water dish and get stuck upside down for 8 hours. Well, I got home and he guessed it, still up on all against the cage wall trying to scratch his way out. So I took him out and he has been pacing up and down my hallway for about an hour. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

Cool! I love Ash he is so cute!

desertgirl said...

I'm so happy that he is running around and having fun! I miss teasing him and watching his cute little legs haul him around.

Anonymous said...

Aaaahhhhhh....a pet that goes to sleep for a few months. Why the hell didn't I think of that?!?! What I wouldn't give for Aus, aka Dogzilla, to take a nap for even a week! No going through 8 cups of dog food in one day. No crap piles the size of Mt. Ranier to clean up, inside and out. No Nintendo DS', cellphones or shoes being chewed up, peed upon or just plain ruined. Or how about no little schnauzer pooping on the carpet because you went outside without him.

I think our next pet will be a turtle instead of something that grows to be over 100 pounds in it's first year. Okay, Dogzilla is a freakishly HUGE lab, but I digress. I LOVE my boys (that's our puppies) but sometimes life would be SO much easier if they were turtles who napped for a few months every year.

Odd choice for a pet, Sky, but seriously good thinking!

Nevaeh said...

Man, when you put it that way I really have an awesome pet! Haha!! I love my turtle. He is, as you said, a bit odd to have as a pet but you know what. I can talk to him just as I can another animal and he knows what I am saying. He doesn't make me sneeze or have any allergies. He is the perfect pet. For me anyway.