Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another classic from Wal-Mart

Ok, so it looks worse than the picture shows but it was an absolute terrible packaging job that the dunces over at Wal-Mart did. So my mom got me a Christmas gift from Wal-Mart and had to ship it since we don't live in the same area and UPS decided it needed a signature so I couldn't pick it up until the day after Christmas. So I went to pick it up and I was absolutely shocked at the packaging job and they lady at UPS said everything they get from Wal-Mart is packaged horribly. So kudos to you Wal-Mart you did it again, made even the simplest job a complete disaster!


Anonymous said...

What do you expect? Low wages, crappy insurance, notoriously overworked. It's amazing they get anything done at all.

Oh, and they sold it to a board of penny pinchers who plan on sucking every penny out of it before it falls. In about five to ten years I expect it to be in bankruptcy.

Lord said...

Wal Mart sucks. Sure they drive down prices.....or do they?

Lets look at the facts, packages are smaller but priced more than 5 years ago, hmmmm falling prices?

Product quality is at an all time low, you get what you pay for!

Wal Mart makes a pile of money and reports huge profits to it's stock holders how can constnatly falling prices accomplsih this?

In the old days the formula to make money went something like this....

Cost to manufacture + profit = consumer price


Price - cost to manufacture = profit

How does this work you ask? Isn' that the same thing?


Today manufacturers are being told by consumers what they are willing to pay for a product. As such the only way to turn a profit is by reducing the cost to manufacture (I am including raw goods etc in this).

So down on the farm the farmer needs to find cheaer ways to grow his veggies and the packing house has to find cheaper ways to pack the veggies because Wal Mart, I.E. the consumer, tells them what they will pay.

What is sacrificed? Quality of course.

Wal Mart is a drain on our society, in my opinion.