Life changes constantly!
Today would have been the day I arrive at the SLC international airport to fly to California then off to China for 4 months. But as you can tell, I am home typing this post. Why you ask? I decided to postpone my volunteer adventure in Hefei, China so I can finish my stint at college first. I feel it is a better choice than to go to China, forget everything I've learned then come back and start all over. This way I will have finished with school and have my associates degree before I go to China. I do thank EVERYONE that has donated to this wonderful volunteer experience because it IS GOING to happen, just not for a year and that year will fly! Trust me, you will all be a lot happier I went next year anyway considering all the stuff that is happening over there right now! If you have any questions or want to donate (I still need $600 in order to go) please contact ILP. Their phone # is 801-374-8913 or