Saturday, February 23, 2008

No news is good news!

I'm sure you all have been checking my blog every day just waiting for a new post huh??!! Don't lie!! Well nothing really has happened to report about. I was sick for the last two weeks and still have a lingering cough which my father says is hereditary. I cough for like 4 months after being sick and everyone thinks I'm sick this whole time but I'm not! I was just talking to my dad about it and he says it's hereditary because he does the same thing. Whether or not it's true, it's a good thing to say to someone who asks why I am still sick.

So other than that, I have just been trudging along working and going to school. I can not believe there are only 3 more weeks of class left. I feel like i just started this quarter! I love going to a school that is on quarters instead of semesters. There might be four of 'em but they make the year go by so much faster!

So that is pretty much what I've been doing lately. This weekend is supposed to be beautiful so I may go in to Portland and have some lunch or go see a waterfall. Or maybe I'll just sit on my butt and do homework (I always have a ton of that to do). Hope you all are doing well :)

1 comment:

desertgirl said...

I hope you get over your cough soon. That's a long time to deal with that! If you go in to Portland, will you get some pics of the city...maybe where you eat, etc.? That would be cool for me!