Saturday, February 9, 2008

Conversation on the Max today

Scene: Sitting in the corner of the Train. Two dudes come sit next to me. We will call them Dude 1 and Dude 2. (Use your imagination what 'USE them' means, and what F* and S* stand for)

Dude 1. "You know you F* can't take those back if you...ya know...use 'em"
Dude 2. "What the F* do you mean?"
Dude 1. "You know...USE them"
Dude 2. "F* what they gonna do, use a infared light and zoooom over it?"
Dude 1. "It's a purple light man S*"
Dude 2. "Whateva, I take them back if I's don't F* like 'em"
Dude 1. "So what size are they?"
Dude 2. "I don't know, what size the bed?"
Dude 1. "Is it (can't remember name he said) bed?"
Dude 2. "S* ya"
Dude 1. "then ya got a Full set"
Dude 2. "F* awesome"

Intermission: Dude 2 gets up because the Max is at his stop. They say their goodbyes.

Dude 1. "See ya later man, what you doin' tomorrow?"
Dude 2. "Goin' to church"

Me, after Dude 2 leaves, smiling and giggling to myself.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! Next time you are shopping the clearance rack for sheets just remember someone might have already "USED THEM"!

Nevaeh said...

HAHA! Exactly.

desertgirl said...

Okay, that is so gross! I just got to thinking... what else do people take back that we're unaware of? hmmm...

Lord said...

How about a toothbrush? Or maybe deodorant? Or maybe, I don't know, underwear, towels, socks, hair combs, nail clippers, dishes, after using them to feed the dog or crap on or pee on, etc.

This is why you need to wash stuff before you use it!