Monday, October 29, 2007

Instructors are biased

Hello everyone!

Sorry it's been awhile but I've been extremely busy...busier than I thought I'd ever be but it has paid off in some respects. So far I have an A in Algebra,(which for those that know me that is a HUGE feat.) an A in Fitness and again for those that know me that is a huge feat as well! But photography, the class I thought I'd be the best at and is my favorite subject and passion I get a C. *sad face* Pretty ridiculous considering I am there every single class and in the darkroom pretty much every weekend and some weeknights. I was going to diss on some of the students in my class that are getting better grades than me for half the work, time and effort but I have decided not to give specifics due to this being the internet. This instructor hasn't liked me from the very first day I get the impression anyway. He makes sarcastic jokes that I try to brush off but now after getting this review I know he doesn't like me. But I know my photos are great and don't need to have some instructor tell me otherwise. Anyway, those are just my recent problems I've had. Thanks for reading!

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