A new life for Asher
For those that don't know. I LOVE turtles. I have TONS of not real turtles, and one real very cute turtle. I have had Asher for 13 years and have loved him very much and still do and will always. But during my 13 years, I've been able to care for Asher because I didn't have much of anything else to do. Now that I am going to school and about ready to start a new chapter by going to China for 5 months. I am too busy to care for Asher like I used to, and I have noticed I've been neglecting him more and more each day. I felt it wasn't fair to him because of my selfish ways so I put him up for adoption. This was a very hard choice to make, it took several months for me to get the courage to do this. (My hat off to all those that go to school, work and everything else and have children to care for, WOW!)
So a guy named Steve emailed me to let me know he was willing to adopt Asher. We emailed back and forth and finally he came to get Asher. Steve has 56 turtles and his backyard is a shrine to all of his turtles. I know Asher will be deeply cared for and the best thing is he lives RIGHT DOWN THE STREET!! How cool is that? He said I could come visit anytime I wanted. I am so happy!! Oh by the way, Steve the Turtle Whisperer (his mom calls him that!) said Asher is a female! lol. Asher probably thinks I am crazy for calling her a she for 13 years!!
Yes, you all are probably thinking. I'm just going for 5 months, let someone care for her for that long. But I will be going to WOU (that would be Western Oregon University) next year and I have to live in a dorm and no animals are allowed. So either way I had to give Asher up. But not for good! Oh yes, I said not for good! Steve said he would care for Asher until I graduated and would give her back to me!! Did I luck out or what?!?!