Sunday, April 26, 2009

Balsamic and Oil artwork

This is what happens when one does not have enough homework to do!
(side note: I don't have photoshop so I don't recommend opening up picture, much too big)

Friday, April 17, 2009


I started school, but that is not the reason I haven't written. I have no excuse for not writing other than I am lazy. My classes aren't really that pressing, very little homework. I really had nothing to say, that is the reason, not because I'm lazy. Ignore that last statement about me being lazy! I am not lazy, I am a very busy girl. I began volunteering at Washington School for the Deaf again this quarter and I absolutely love it! I thought I had a great time last time, this time is ten times better! I am working with a bunch of little kids as they put together their very own play! I love ASL and watching little kids sign is the best!! They have these little hands and sign so fast and it is just so cute! I still am so limited in my ASL skills but those kids are so patient with me. I feel like I am younger than them sometimes when I am talking to them. It should be a pretty fun quarter. I won't get to see the whole play when it's finished since I won't be here (I'll be in China) so that is a bummer. But it will still be fun to watch them put this play together all by themselves. It's great! I am super excited about the next few months!

Until next time!